
NovinHub is an online social media management platform for businesses and all content creator to manage or update our social media accounts..

NovinHub Support is solely responsible for following up on technical issues and criticisms and suggestions from users to improve the platform, and will not be responsible for any use of the site's services and features by users.

By using the NovinHub, you are accpted the rules of the social medias you are linking to NovinHub!

NovinHub Problems will thoroughly review and attempt to fix, but will not guarantee that such problems will not arise.

After registering on the platform as a natural person, he / she will accept and comply with the terms and conditions and will be deactivated in the event of any breach of the NovinHub Terms and Conditions and will be referred to judicial authorities if necessary.

Users are not allowed to overuse the NovinHub resources and infrastructure and we are not allowed to share or sell account information to anyone else.

we will not be able to make a refund money once you have used the site features or even not using the Novinhub features.

Novinhub reserves the right to make changes to the price of the Services, the laws or, in some cases, the Services.